Thursday, July 23, 2009

Course Project

I will create a Sophie Book for Dr. Burns Digital Dreams course. He does things a bit differently, but the course is very informative. Each student must call Dr. Burns once a week. Yesterday, we spoke for an hour! It was a great conversation. I learned so much having one on one time with Dr. Burns.

If you don't know what a sophie book (big possibilities here!) is here is a link:

I can see so many possibilities with this. I've thought for a very long time that if students didn't have to buy a text, they could spend that money on technology.

The TES text is proof that online texts are begining to fit into the tenure process so I think that takes care of that aspect of the issue! I'm sure there are other issues that aren't even on my radar. Let me know what you think.

Once I get my Sophie book up I will link it here. Also, there is another link to an inner section of Sophie somewhere in the Technological Ecologies & Sustainability text (great text by the way).

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Things are looking up today!

I'm including the link to the digital text we are using for Dr. Burns Class:

Monday, July 13, 2009

First Day of New Media Course

Today is the first day of Dr. Burns Writing in Networked Environments. I said that I would keep you all updated so here goes: I've had issues with Blackboard, bummer. Also, Blackboard was down University wide for most of the day. However, about 45 minutes ago Blackboard is now up and running and so is my access! It has been a while since I've had a course in Blackboard so it is a bit slow going, but I'm getting there. I haven't found a discussion board yet (could be because its been down all day or maybe it's just me!) I found the course text which is an etext available to all, and free. the title is Technological Ecologies & Sustainability it is published by Computers and Composition in conjuction with several others. The authors are some wickedly smart folks and you will definately recognize them. I just printed off the introduction (I just can't read all of it online!) More later. I'm so excited!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

New Media Course

The online New Media course I am taking this summer begins July 13th. I'm very excited. I will blog here during the course. I hope that our little group can keep a new media connection through our blogs created for Dr. C., then we can share and collaborate in the area of new media.

More around July 13th or 14th!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Here is my Trailor. It isn't much. I can see that this is a format that I need a great deal of time to work in.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Moving chunks around

This is still very rough. I haven't done anything about citing. As a matter of fact, I've cut some out. What I have done is to reorder it and do some more editing. I know that I need to go back and connect and cite correctly.

However, what do you think of the order? Do you like it? What could I do to make it better? I think I'd like to insert some footage from NCow. Possibly students talking about writing. How hard it is. how they do it. Their process. What writing means to them.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Another Version of Conversations On Writing

I know it is a play on the NCoW, but it also refers to Hemmingway and King's works titled On Writing. I want to add 'Ode to Joy' as the background music and possibly some voice over. I also need to update the credits. I would love suggestions. There are some fascinating people in this (re)mix. I know this work pushes fair use to the max. Let me know what you think about that too.